Guidance for National Schools attendees regarding Coronavirus


England Lacrosse would like to issue the following guidance regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19) to ensure all attending the National Schools Lacrosse Championships over the coming days have a clear understanding of what guidance is in place.

In accordance with national guidelines, any players, support staff or spectators who have travelled to or been in contact with people who have travelled from affected areas in the last two weeks, or are displaying symptoms, should self-isolate and therefore not attend the Championships.

We ask that all attendees assist the event organisers in ensuring that the above guidance is followed.

We are continuing to monitor the situation, receiving regular advice from Public Health England and Sport England who have made it clear to Governing Bodies and other sport organisations that it is not necessary to place any restrictions on large events at this time, but for attendees to maintain good personal hygiene.

We recommend in line with the good practice guidance issued by Public Health England, encouraging everyone to follow simple hygiene rules, such as: using hand sanitisers which are available on the site,  washing hands thoroughly, using tissues when sneezing or coughing and throwing them away in a bin.

We look forward to welcoming you all to the National Schools Championships.

Sean White